When you hear the word ancient there is one thing that pops into mind....old, which does not sound positive. A better word that coincides with ancient might be 'earliest'. Like the earliest grains used for food and energy. The earliest grains have been around with some of our ancestors for thousands of years. Quinoa is known as being cultivated 4000 years ago by the Incas. It was a sacred crop they called 'the mother of all grains' or 'chisaya mama'. Chia Seeds were a main food source for the Aztec dating back to 3500 BC. They considered the seeds sacred and believed them to be full of supernatural powers. In the Mayan language "chia" translates into 'strength'. The definition of Ancient Grains refers to grains that have been minimally changed by selective breeding over recent millennia. They are natures purest grains! Our ancestors knew the goodness of whole grain foods. They relied on their nutritional benefits for strength and wellness. Let us all celebrate our roots and remember the goodness of the earliest grains.
Be Happy and Healthy!
The Grain Market