Wikipedia states 'a foodie is a person who has an ardent or refined interest in food and who eats food not only out of hunger but due to their interest or hobby'. The term foodie was first named in print in the 1980's and still denotes a strong following. There are many differing types of food enthusiasts. Wine tasting, visiting breweries, following restaurant openings and food trucks, eating exotic dishes, testing new health and nutrition trends, taking a specific interest in certain foods, blogging, or writing a food column are just a few. Here at The Grain Market we like to consider ourselves "gastronomies". One great author put it this way, 'Gastronomy is the study of who we are through what we eat'. He continues, 'Food is a powerful yet unseen force in our lives. It drives us to work, to steal, to conquer far lands. It motivates us to create, to savor, to share with a stranger.' By definition, "Gastronomy involves discovering, tasting, experiencing, researching, understanding, and writing about food preparation and the sensory quality of human nutrition as a whole." Gastronomy was first named in print in 1801 with French origin. You can actually get a degree in Gastronomic Sciences. The connection of who we are, where we are going, and how we will get there is involved in our everyday food consumption. We like to call ourselves "Gastronomies"!
Be Happy and Healthy,
The Grain Market
Disclaimer: At The Grain Market we do not have a degree in Gastronomic Sciences.
Sources: Wikipedia: Gastronomy. What the Hell is Gastronomy, Anyway?, Adventures of an Omnomnomnivore in NYC.